2023 AJINOMOTO Company Trip to Kampot Province

On Saturday, 09th December 2023: AJINOMOTO (Cambodia) organized a company trip to Kampot province for all employees. The purpose of this trip was to gather and unite everyone, as well as, show gratitude to all employees for their hard work and to encourage them to continue their effort for the foreseeable future. In this event,…

AJINOMOTO (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., was involved in collaborating with local universities and SMEs to solve SCM issues and strengthen the ability of university students.

AJINOMOTO (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., was involved in collaborating with local universities and SMEs to solve SCM issues and strengthen the ability of university students and SMEs under the program of AJINOMOTO Group Creating Shared Value (ASV) toward 2030. Through this ASV program, AJINOMOTO (Cambodia) Co. Ltd., has collaborated with the Royal University of Phnom Penh…

“Clean Up the Chroy Changva Riverside” Campaign

On the 30th of July, 2023, AJINOMOTO (CAMBODIA) partnered with Sunrise Japan Hospital Phnom Penh for the first time for the purpose of conducting a campaign of “Clean Up” along the Tonle Sap Street of Chroy Changva. The campaign involved the participation of our management staffs and employees from all departments, with a total of 180…

The president of AJINOMOTO (CAMBODIA) met with the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan (Ms. ARAI Yutaka) at Japan Embassy in Cambodia on 9th June 2023.

On 9th June 2023, Japanese Embassy in Cambodia held the lunch meeting with the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan (Ms. ARAI Yutaka) at the Japanese Ambassador’s residence in Phnom Penh. Our President (Mr. YAMAMOTO) joined the lunch meeting and spent very meaningful time, talking about current consumer situation and economics in Cambodia with…