Wax gourd soup with pork ribs



  • Wax Gourd, dried shrimp, dry mushroom, spring onion
  • Pork​​ rib and minced pork
  • ”RosDee®” Powder ​pork flavor

Product in this recipe

”RosDee®” Powder ​Pork Flavor

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Cooking Steps

  • First, mince the pork, add ”RosDee®” Powder ​pork flavor mix well and then form into small balls.
  • Then boil water, add black mushrooms, dried shrimp, filter out the foam during boiling, add pork ribs and mince pork, and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Then add the seasoning such as ”RosDee®” Powder ​pork flavor and taste it and add more seasoning as you prefer.
  • Add the wax gourd, boil for 5 minutes, Then pour it in a bowl and put the spring onion on top is done